Oak and Mixed Hardwoods

12" Timber Mats
Our 12-inch Timber Mats are made of oak and a mix of hardwoods for strength and durability. They range in length from 6' - 40' and are commonly used under cranes, for bridging creeks and rivers, and for excavation support. They can be notched to expose bolts or used with cables for easy lifting, and are durable enough to stabilize most track equipment.

8" Timber Mats
Our 8-inch Timber Mats are made of oak and a mix of hardwoods for strength and durability. They range in length from 6' - 24' and are referred to as 8″ and pipeline mats. They are typically used on Right-Of-Ways, under cranes and heavy equipment or for bridging, creeks and rivers. They can be notched to expose bolts or used with cables for easy lifting, and are durable enough to stabilize most track equipment.

3-Ply Laminated Mats
Our 3-Ply access mats are built from oak and a mix of hardwoods for strength and durability. They provide durable surfacing for trucks and rubber-tired equipment, and can be used as surface decking to create safe access and temporary roads for construction equipment. These access mats work well for lighter load demands and provide an environmentally-friendly option for roadways and stable platforms.

Pipeline Skids
Our skids are a full-sawn 4″ x 6” x 4′, cut from oak and a mix of hardwoods, and are solid enough to support long lengths of pipe during installation, maintenance and even storage. There are 82 pieces per bundle and generally 14-15 bundles per truck load. We also provide railroad ties, lagging, and blocks and wedges for the purposes of cribbing, racking, and elevating the pipe that is used during pipeline construction.

Our pallets are custom-built per order from oak and a mix of hardwoods for strength and durability. Oak is used because of its strength and wide availability. As a high-density hardwood, oak is ideal for pallets that must support heavier loads of fragile goods.

Laminated Mat Lumber
Quality trees mean quality mats and lumber. We have an abundance of timber with oak and a mix of hardwoods which enables our crews to select-cut trees to fill any order.

Slab and Block Firewood
Our hardwood slab and block firewood is cut to accommodate most standard fireplaces and wood-burning stoves.

Raw Live Edge Slabs
“Live Edge” refers to the living part of the tree. The log is cut into slabs and the knots and flaws are left intact. These slabs are perfect for table tops, bar tops, counters, etc.

Used Timber Mats
We can remove your used mats from the job site. We also have an abundance of acreage for used mat storage. Contact us for details.